5 Things You Should Know About Gas Fireplaces
1: Have a Gas Fireplace Installed by Professionals
To ensure that a gas fireplace works optimally, have it installed by a professional technician who understands how to check the venting system. A gas fireplace can emit toxic fumes such as carbon monoxide into a building, leading to serious health complications or death. You can’t smell or see carbon monoxide or other toxic gases, so the best way to protect a family is to have a gas fireplace and its venting system installed by a certified professional.
2: Gas Fireplaces Are Easier to Take of On a Daily Basis
If a homeowner is tired of chopping wood and carrying it into a home for a traditional fireplace, then having a gas fireplace is an excellent choice. With natural gas, it is possible to turn on a switch to light a natural-looking fire in a living room. When an individual needs to leave a home quickly, they can turn the gas fireplace off in only a few seconds without needing to extinguish a fire.
3: There Are Ventless Gas Fireplaces Available
Some companies manufacture ventless gas fireplaces, and these do not require a flue or chimney to release dangerous gases into the air outside a building. Make sure to buy a ventless gas fireplace that is designed to emit low levels of combustible gas to avoid a buildup of gases or an explosion. Some ventless gas fireplaces use propane while others use natural gas instead.
4: It Is Important to Have Chimneys and Vents Inspected
When a building has a gas fireplace, it is still important to contact a knowledgeable chimney sweep at least once a year. A chimney sweep can drop a camera into a building’s venting system to determine if there is a buildup of debris that requires removal. The best time of year for this type of repair is in the autumn to ensure that the venting systems are in the best condition for winter.
5: Gas Heat Is Cleaner and Costs Less
Studies reveal that the cost of operating a gas fireplace is less than buying several loads of firewood each year. A property owner doesn’t need to store stacks of firewood outside before bringing it inside during a snowstorm. Cleaning a gas fireplace is easier because there is no charred wood to pick up and less creosote builds up inside the venting system.
We Recommend Napoleon Fireplaces
Napoleon delivers a wide variety of Gas Fireplaces to suit the tastes of every homeowner. Whether you’re looking for clean, contemporary designs that stand out, compact solutions for small spaces, or traditional styles that bring the campfire feel indoors, you’re sure to find a gas fireplace to fit your needs, budget, and indoor aesthetic!
Get in touch with us to schedule an appointment.